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发布时间:2007-12-28 08:20:57
1. Calculate the maximum permissible crack size in a center cracked panel subjected to a uniform stress of 20 ksi. The toughness is 50 ksi(in)1/2; the yield stress is 60 ksi; W=12 inches.
2. A large sheet containing a 50 mm long crack fractures when loaded to 500 MPa. Determine the fracture load of a similar sheet with a 100 mm crack.
3.The tensile strength of brittle solids are usually controlled by the size of defects such as microporesor microcracks. The typical tensile strength of cement is 3 MPa. After careful pressure processing and other treatments, the strength may go up to as 50 MPa. Assume that the fracture toughness of the cement remains the same before and after going through the special processing, and is equal to 0.2 MPam1/2, determine the maximum flaw size in these materials. (Assume that the flaws are widely separated apart so that they do not interact with each other.)
4.Calculate and plot the maximum external load P for three point bending specimen with crack length up to 70% beam height. B=100mm, W=100mm, S=4W. KIC=0.2 MPam1/2.
5. Rocket motor casings may be fabricated from either of two steels : (a) low alloy steel, yield 1.2 GPa, toughness 70 MPa√m, (b) maragingsteel,yield 1.8 GPa, toughness 50 MPa√m. The relevant Code specifies a design stress of yield 1.5GPa. Calculate the minimum defect size which will lead to brittle fracture in service for each material, and comment on the result.
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